After miss reading the Tomme recipe yesterday I decided to try again today with the other half of the Raw milk I bought from the farmers market. This time round I'm going to let it press under it's own weight. I'm also going to be more careful when it comes to cutting the curds, I felt yesterday's effort was a little rushed and the curds varied in size which isn't good for consistency. To help with cutting I decided to use a shallower but wider stockpot for easier cutting. Yesterdays was very swap so the curds at the bottom were hard to cut.
I started off hearing 2.5 gallon of milk to 32c. I added 1/4 lipase mild an then 1/3 tsp of M400 cultures. This was left to ripen for 50 minutes, 20 minutes longer than I should have so the acidity may be lower than what I needed. I also added 1/4 tsp of calcium as I read it helps to produce better curds. After 50 minutes I added 1/2 tsp of animal rennet an left for a further 45 minutes until a good cut was possible. The curds were then cut into 1/4" cubes and studded slowly to help expel the whey. I then started to hat them slowly. The why was quite clear and not too milky which shows the butterfat was retained in the curd. I also added about 3 liters of warm warmer so reduce the acidity caused by over ripening. I read it's a good idea to wash curds for a more nutty taste. The temperature hit 38 after 30 minutes. Also I forgot to mention the curds were heated to 35c before cutting, I'm hoping this didn't cause any problems. At this stage the curds looked constant in size and started to matte, I spooned them into a Tomme mould and left it to naturally press under it's own weight for 30 minutes. I then turned and left for 2 hours. I'll now turn and leave it overnight.